UFC Nigeria Gym is not just renowned for its mixed martial arts (MMA) and boxing programs, but also for its dynamic and effective circuit training classes. These classes are designed to provide a high-intensity, full-body workout that can help individuals of all fitness levels achieve their health and fitness goals. If you’re looking for a versatile and challenging fitness routine, UFC Nigeria Gym’s circuit training classes might be the perfect choice for you.

What is Circuit Training?

Circuit training is a highly effective and versatile form of exercise that combines both strength training and cardiovascular (aerobic) exercise in one workout session. It involves performing a series of exercises in a specific sequence, often in a circuit or loop, with minimal rest or no rest between exercises. The goal of circuit training is to improve overall fitness, build strength, increase endurance, and burn calories efficiently.

Class Benefits





Fat Burning




No long-term contract

Our popular month to month plan is offered as pay as you work-out with no longterm contract

Best equipment

Practice on the best equipment global brands that addresses a wide range of people

Open 12 Hours Daily

Take advantage from gym’s benefits 12 hours a day, 6 days a week in each plans available

Supportive Environment

From the moment you join we’ve got your back and we help you achieve your goal

The Benefits of Circuit Training:

Circuit training is a workout method that combines strength training and cardiovascular exercises in a structured and efficient manner. At UFC Nigeria Gym, this form of training is designed to deliver a wide range of benefits, including:

Total-Body Conditioning: Circuit training works all major muscle groups, promoting overall strength and conditioning.

Weight Management: The high-intensity nature of circuit training helps burn calories and supports weight management.

Improved Cardiovascular Health: The inclusion of cardio exercises in the circuit enhances heart health and stamina.

Time Efficiency: Circuit training is a time-efficient workout, making it ideal for those with busy schedules.

Variety: UFC Nigeria Gym’s circuit training classes offer a diverse range of exercises, ensuring you never get bored with your fitness routine.

Scalability: Whether you’re a beginner or an advanced athlete, the circuits can be adjusted to match your fitness level.

UFC Nigeria Gym’s Circuit Training Classes:

At UFC Nigeria Gym, circuit training classes are tailored to meet the needs and fitness levels of all participants. The classes are structured in a way that keeps workouts fresh, challenging, and exciting. Here’s what you can expect:

    • Variety: Each class features a mix of exercises, combining strength, agility, and cardio movements. This variety keeps you engaged and motivated.
    • Expert Guidance: UFC Nigeria Gym’s certified trainers provide expert guidance to ensure you perform exercises with proper form and safety.
    • Customization: The intensity and complexity of the circuits can be customized to cater to individual fitness levels and goals.
    • Group Dynamic: Circuit training classes foster a sense of community and support, where members encourage each other to push their limits.
    • Progress Tracking: UFC Nigeria Gym offers tools to help you track your progress, from body measurements to performance improvements.


UFC Nigeria Gym’s circuit training classes provide a comprehensive fitness experience that can help you achieve your health and fitness objectives. With a focus on variety, expertise, and community, these classes are suitable for individuals of all fitness levels. If you’re seeking an efficient, fun, and challenging workout routine, consider joining UFC Nigeria Gym’s circuit training classes and experience the benefits of a well-rounded fitness program.